Hey all. It's snowing! Had planned on getting to play rugby with my host brother, Aldric, but with the field being in the Bois de Boulogne and wet Parisian snow falling I think I'll check out the Robert Frank exhibition at the Jeu de Paume or see the new(ly released in Paris) Joy Division documentary instead.
So I've been quite busy of late as classes are now underway. With the Paris public university system hanging under a cloud of prolonged strikes, I decided to take one class at l'Institute Catholique to make sure I get at least one history course credit out of this semester. Glad to be on the Tufts program and have that option. Here's a rundown of what I'll be studying this semester
1) 19th and 20th Century French Art History. Meeting once a week at different museums, this class has (and will continue to) provide guided tours to some great museums and galleries. Also, the period matches the period I'm studying in my French history courses, offering an interesting comparison between the artwork of the period and the socio-political climate of France under Napoleon III and the 3rd Republic.
2) French Language. Hopefully this course will teach me the French university writing style. Taking it pass/fail since I don't need it for any requirements.
3) French Foreign Policy of the IIIe Republique. This my class at the Catho. It's small and has a few other international students (mostly Germans). Right now we are covering the leadup to the Franco-Prussian War and all of Bismarck's wheeling and dealing. My professor's been friendly and inquisitive. He has a thorough website and great mustache.
4) History of the French Revolution. Focusing on religion and its influence on the ideas and politics of the French Revolution, this course is up in the air since it is at Paris I and may be affected by the strikes. But the class is taught at the Pantheon and is in a beautiful old classroom (I'll get a picture of it when I can) and I'd love to have the experience of being down in the Latin Quarter so I'm holding out hope.
That's all for now.
i am happy to know that you have a healthy appreciation for both thorough websites and great mustaches. none of my profs have cool facial hair.
That is upsetting. I have thought about attempting to emulate Francis Choisel and grow a great 'stache myself. Thoughts?
I mean, I think you know my take on mustaches. But that is just me.
To convince you further:
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